Spring arrives, Friends’ Annual Meeting, caring for the earth, and more…
Earlier this month, the development team sent our spring appeal letter to households around the state and country. We hinted at the good news that you probably have heard by now…Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is very excited to introduce our next executive director, Brian Hinrichs! Read more about Brian here, and we think you’ll be excited too. Brian will join the team in May–please help us offer a warm welcome by joining Friends or renewing your support today!
Spring melt on mossy stones, Deasey Trail. Photo credit: FKWW
MY Park Story!
This month’s #myparkstory is timed to coincide with the opening of summer camping reservations at recreation.gov. I took my first camping trip to Katahdin Woods and Waters last year–because I could secure a spot in advance and knew it would be there for me when I arrived. Anyone who camps with kids knows what I’m talking about…you can’t roll the dice on a 3-hour plus car ride. I shared my trip highlights here on our blog–check it out! Especially for folks on a budget or who aren’t sure if camping in northern Maine is really their cup of tea, I show how my family spent three wonderfully unplugged days last August in the north end of the monument. I hope that you will email me if you have any questions about planning #yourparkstory for summer 2023.
Annual Meeting Friends kicked off our annual events calendar this week with our Annual Meeting. We hope you were able to join us on Zoom to gather with the staff and board of Friends and Superintendent Mark Wimmer of the NPS at Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. Attendees got the highlights from 2022 and exciting updates on projects happening now and throughout 2023. The meeting was recorded and captioned–please reach out to Meghan or follow our social media channels to get the link (available soon).
Save These Dates We’ll be sharing more details in the months to come, but mark your calendars now for these in-person events!
Teacher Camp on Tuesday, June 20th will be a one-day workshop for public school educators, providing deeper understanding of and tools to implement Maine’s requirement to teach Wabanaki history and culture in school. Presented in partnership with the Abbe Museum, the program will be held at the Stewart Professional Learning Center in Lincoln. Please contact kala@friendsofkww.org for more information.
Woods & Waters Day on Saturday, August 19th will be a reimagining of Friends’ annual celebration in honor of the designation of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in 2016. Excursions into the monument and a casual picnic-style celebration will take place during the day, wrapping by early evening. Location TBD in the Katahdin Region and at KAWW.
Stars Over Katahdin on Saturday, October 14th will celebrate our exceptionally dark skies and International Dark Sky Sanctuary status with a family-friendly program in the evening. Join expert astronomers and champions of night sky preservation for a fun and informative evening at Taylor’s Katahdin View Campground in Stacyville.
Park News
Jobs with NPS -There are several year-round, seasonal, and intern positions with Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument open right now. Follow your passion and apply today! Learn more at nps.gov/kaww/getinvolved/workwithus
Camping reservations for the summer season are open (camping is free, with a nominal processing fee). When you are ready, head to recreation.gov, your gateway to explore America’s outdoor and cultural destinations, to plan your Katahdin Woods and Waters summer adventure. Click here for a step-by-step guide.
Ripple Effect – Making every day Earth Day
Friends is a proud Leave No Trace Partner–training adults and teaching kids how to tread lightly in the outdoors. But what about right at home, all the time? Take the Leave No Trace in Daily Life challenge! Is today your day to start a compost bucket, patch your jeans, or choose to shop local?
Maine has clean water and healthy air because Maine people stood up, spoke out, and made it happen. Be a part of the legacy that includes Rachel Carson and the Clean Water Act by Taking Action with our colleagues at the Natural Resources Council of Maine.
Share the outdoors with a young person by heading to your favorite trail, fishing hole, or park. Make nature the thing that kids care about most–it may be easier than you think!
Planting flowers with KLP April Vacation Camp, Millinocket. Photo credit: FKWW
Sponsor Spotlight
Thank you to our Barnard level sponsor NEMO Equipment! We are grateful for NEMO’s commitment to Friends, and their sustainability initiatives, including a 100% recycled content tent fabric with no PFAS chemicals!
Celebrate Earth Month – April eNewsletter
Posted: May 2, 2023 by Sarah Andre
Spring arrives, Friends’ Annual Meeting, caring for the earth, and more…
Earlier this month, the development team sent our spring appeal letter to households around the state and country. We hinted at the good news that you probably have heard by now…Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is very excited to introduce our next executive director, Brian Hinrichs! Read more about Brian here, and we think you’ll be excited too. Brian will join the team in May–please help us offer a warm welcome by joining Friends or renewing your support today!
MY Park Story!
This month’s #myparkstory is timed to coincide with the opening of summer camping reservations at recreation.gov. I took my first camping trip to Katahdin Woods and Waters last year–because I could secure a spot in advance and knew it would be there for me when I arrived. Anyone who camps with kids knows what I’m talking about…you can’t roll the dice on a 3-hour plus car ride. I shared my trip highlights here on our blog–check it out! Especially for folks on a budget or who aren’t sure if camping in northern Maine is really their cup of tea, I show how my family spent three wonderfully unplugged days last August in the north end of the monument. I hope that you will email me if you have any questions about planning #yourparkstory for summer 2023.
Annual Meeting Friends kicked off our annual events calendar this week with our Annual Meeting. We hope you were able to join us on Zoom to gather with the staff and board of Friends and Superintendent Mark Wimmer of the NPS at Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. Attendees got the highlights from 2022 and exciting updates on projects happening now and throughout 2023. The meeting was recorded and captioned–please reach out to Meghan or follow our social media channels to get the link (available soon).
Save These Dates We’ll be sharing more details in the months to come, but mark your calendars now for these in-person events!
Park News
Ripple Effect – Making every day Earth Day
Sponsor Spotlight
Thank you to our Barnard level sponsor NEMO Equipment! We are grateful for NEMO’s commitment to Friends, and their sustainability initiatives, including a 100% recycled content tent fabric with no PFAS chemicals!
Sponsors provide crucial funding that supports our mission and work. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a sponsor, visit friendsofkww.org/sponsorship or contact sarah@friendsofkww.org.
—This blog post was adapted from an email transmitted on April 26, 2023. To sign up for our email list, please email info@friendsofkww.org—
Category: eNewsletters and emails