We invite you to be a part of A Monumental Welcome, a $35 million fundraising campaign for Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. 

The campaign has three goals: providing funding for a visitor contact station, priority park projects, and Wabanaki-directed projects. Nearly $30 million has been raised to date.

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Above: Tekαkαpimək, Saunders Architecture (image by Mir); Loop Road Overlook (photo by Lucas St.Clair);
Wabanaki Advisory Board Tekαkαpimək double-curve (rendering by Reed Hilderbrand & WeShouldDoItAll)

The campaign will fund Tekαkαpimək Contact Station at Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. Funds for this goal also support a new 3.6 mile access road to the site, an eastern lookout, a network of accessible paths and access routes, and state of the art off-grid sustainability features.

Tekαkαpimək translates from the Penobscot language to “as far as one can see” and is pronounced de gah-gah bee-mook. Elliotsville Foundation, Inc. is partnering with a Wabanaki Advisory Board with representatives of the independent Native Nations that constitute the Wabanaki Confederacy – Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Mi’kmaq Nation, Passamaquoddy Tribe at Motahkomikuk and Sipayik, and Penobscot Nation. Together, the partners are building a visitor contact station in consultation with the National Park Service that reflects the peoples, natural resources, and future of the Katahdin region. 

Please Join Our Campaign

The campaign also funds $2.7 million in priority park projects for the National Park Service. Projects already funded include a renovation of the Mile 6.4 Loop Road Overlook, a sign plan, night sky programming, road maintenance, and more. 

The campaign’s final goal establishes a $1 million fund for Wabanaki projects as defined by the Wabanaki Advisory Board. The early vision for this fund is to create career pathways for Wabanaki youth and final funding decisions will be made by the Wabanaki Advisory Board.

Together, let’s give A Monumental Welcome to every visitor to Katahdin Woods and Waters. Please join our campaign today

To learn more about these projects and the campaign, please be in touch with Meghan Cooper, Development Director, at meghan@friendsofkww.org

Architectural, landscape, and exhibit designs resulted from a process between Elliotsville Foundation, its contractors, and representatives of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, Mi’kmaq Nation, Passamaquoddy Tribe, and Penobscot Nation. All Wabanaki Cultural Knowledge and Intellectual Property shared within this project is owned by the Wabanaki Nations.

Learn more about the Tekαkαpimək Contact Station and the process to construct 160 unique structural columns: