Katahdin Area Students Volunteer at BikeMaine for an Educational Experience

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Katahdin Area Students Volunteer at BikeMaine for an Educational Experience

Fort Fairfield, ME – Katahdin Region students came together again to volunteer as the tent and porter crew for BikeMaine 2018: Acadia in the St. John Valley – La Terre Entre Deux (the land between). Students take seven days, including five away from school, to work setting up and taking down tents. They join cyclists for each meal, learn from a place-based curriculum in the afternoon, and then camp out each night in “tent city.” The week is facilitated and supported through multiple partnerships ranging from the Katahdin Learning Project, a place-based learning initiative offering educational opportunities at the Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters, to Elliotsville Plantation, Inc. The work could not be done without the amazing teacher chaperones from Katahdin Middle High School, CariLynn Hanson and Kyle Quarles. Katahdin region schools such as Katahdin Middle High School have the opportunity to jump on board in order to offer students this week-long learning adventure.

What is the Katahdin Learning Project?

The Katahdin Learning Project, a project of Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters, works to create educational opportunities through place-based learning in the Katahdin Region, using Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and the surrounding communities as the backdrop.

MISSION: The mission of the Katahdin Learning Project is to foster and support authentic teaching and learning in the Katahdin Region that engages students in real projects in the community and the wild and natural places surrounding them.

VISION: We envision a future where our youth, public lands, and education will unite us, create vibrant communities, and ensure a prosperous future for the Katahdin Region.

Why do we partner with BikeMaine?

BikeMaine offers participating students a rare opportunity to learn through hands-on activities in nearby communities with a curriculum created by teachers and partners in order to enhance and provide the best and most educational experience possible. The crew also earn a substantial stipend for programs at their school, like resources for their outdoor education program.

Who participates?

Students, grade 7-11, from the Katahdin Middle / High School

Partners including Katahdin Learning Project/Friends of Katahdin Woods and Water, Elliotsville Plantation, Inc., Katahdin Middle / High School, and BikeMaine.


Kala Rush
Education and Engagement Coordinator
Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters
(406) 728-5692

Marie Robinson
Principal at Katahdin Middle / High School Principal
(207) 365-4218

CariLynn Hanson
Teacher at Katahdin Middle / High School
(207) 365-4218

Susan Adams
Recreation Manager
Elliotsville Plantation, Inc.
(207) 852-1291


Stars Over Katahdin: Oct 6th and 9th

Stars Over Katahdin 2018

Saturday, October 6th and Tuesday, October 9th
Presented by Elliotsville Plantation, Inc. and Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters

You’re invited you to join Elliotsville Plantation, Inc (EPI), Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters (Friends), Volunteers In Parks (VIP) astronomers, and star enthusiasts to celebrate the stunning night skies of the Katahdin Region!

Guide Hike through Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Saturday, Oct. 6th
10:30am to 4pm
Meet-up at Sandbank Stream Campsite

Saturday, VIP guides Eric and Elaine Hendrickson will be leading us on an easygoing 6-mile hike along the banks of Wassataquoik Stream north to Orin Falls. Along the way, our guides will share some of the geologic and historical aspects of the area, including stories of Teddy Roosevelt’s crossing of the Wassataquoik and Donn Fendler ’s being Lost on a Mountain in Maine. It’s fall in the north woods, so it’s a great time to watch for birds, leaves changing, and fall wildflowers along the way.

Be sure to pack sturdy hiking shoes, lunches, water, day packs, clothing layers and a camera. Hikers will meet at Sandbank Stream Campsite at 10:30am on Saturday, October 6th and then car pool to the Wassataquoik Gate. We will return to Sandbank by 4pm. To RSVP email Susan Adams, Recreation Manager for EPI, at lunksoos@gmail.com

Family Hike and Picnic
Saturday, Oct. 6th
Meet-up at Sandbank Stream Campsite

Hikers with small children or a part of a family are welcome to meet Katahdin Learning Project place-based educator Scarlet McAvoy for a guided hike at Sandbank Stream Campsite at 2pm with an optional picnic to follow (families provide their own food). Please RSVP to smcavoy@rsu89.org if you plan to attend the Family Hike and Picnic.

Star Viewing in Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Saturday, Oct. 6th, 5pm to 10pm
Overlook at Mile 6.4 of the Loop Road

Join us for an evening of campfire chats, s’mores, and guided stargazing at one of the darkest areas east of the Mississippi. While enjoying s’mores provided by EPI, we’ll hear tall tales of the north woods in the shadow of Katahdin as we wait for the sun to set and the skies to darken. Following our campfire program, we will walk up to the Loop Road Overlook where our Astro VIPs will teach us what lies overhead through interpretation of stars, planets, and celestial objects seen with telescopes, binoculars, and the naked eye.

Be advised that we do ask attendees to walk up to the Overlook rather than drive. A car’s headlights – or even the dashboard lights – can decrease the eye’s ability to perceive light from the stars above. The walk to the Overlook is uphill for about 100 yards.

For Saturday evening event’s please pack warm layers, water, sturdy shoes, personal camp chair, and a flashlight (red lights are preferred).  We also suggest you consider packing a picnic supper, personal telescope or binoculars, and warm mat to lie on to better view the skies. We will provide the campfire, s’mores, red cellophane to shield flashlights and phones, telescope, guides, and drinking water.

A free passenger shuttle service can be reserved for a ride from Sandbank Stream Campsite to the Overlook. The shuttle departs at 5pm and returns around 10:30pm. To reserve your seat email Susan Adams at lunksoos@gmail.com. There will also be carpools leaving from Sandbank Stream Campsite around the same time.

If you are hoping to stay in the Monument during Stars Over Katahdin, please be aware it is likely that campsites in the Monument will be full. Camping should be available at the Pine Grove Campground. You can also explore other local accommodations here.

The night sky viewing and overnight camping will be canceled in the case of inclement weather. EPI will post on their Facebook page if the event is canceled within 8 hours of the event’s start time.

“Saving the Dark” Film Screening
Tuesday, Oct. 9th, 7pm
Millinocket Memorial Library

Join local astronomy enthusiast Nancy Hathaway at the Millinocket Memorial Library for an early screening of Sriram Murali’s new film about the treasure that is the night skies and the ill effects of growing light pollution. You can watch a trailer for “Saving the Dark” here.

For more information on Stars Over Katahdin 2018, please contact Susan Adams, Recreation Manager for Elliotsville Plantation, Inc. at lunksoos@gmail.com and follow along on the EPI facebook page.


Supporters of Maine’s National Monument to Gather at Sold Out 2nd Anniversary Celebration

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Andrew Bossie
Executive Director
Cell: (207) 899 – 9983

Molly Ross
Board President
Cell: (703) 819-2643

Supporters of Maine’s National Monument to Gather at Sold Out 2nd Anniversary Celebration
This year’s festivities take place as the monument makes progress on several fronts.

Patten, ME — Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters (Friends) will kick off the 2nd Anniversary Celebration of the establishment of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument this weekend. The events taking place Friday and Saturday evening are sold out, but organizers are encouraging the public to enjoy the beautiful late-summer weather forecast in and around the monument through suggested outdoor and community trips and experiences.

“We’re pleased with the progress our monument has made in just two years,” says Friends’ Executive Director, Andrew Bossie. “Signs are going up, visitation is strong, planning is underway, and the local economy is benefiting; we’re excited about the future of the park and for the gateway communities of the Katahdin Region. This weekend we celebrate the community of our public lands while also supporting it.”

The evening, presented with Maine Beer Company (MBC), will include dinner from Patten-based Casual Elegance Caterers, Woods & Waters beer and other selections from MBC, a silent auction of outdoor gear, experiences, and memorabilia, as well as live performances by the Magic 8 Ball Quartet, sponsored by The Wilderness Society. Following a speaking program and awards ceremony, guests will get the chance to experience the night skies of the area by walking a short distance from the event to telescopes and an interpretive presentation.

Friends partnered with L.L. Bean to encourage attendees to “Be an Outsider” and explore Maine and the nation’s newest public lands before and after the event. Organizers have posted suggested trips including hikes, paddles, bike rides, and drives throughout the monument.

Friends staff and board members, National Park Service staff, as well as local business owners and community members will be sharing remarks in a short speaking program on Saturday evening. In the midst of the speaking program, Friends will also be presenting three awards. Receiving awards for Excellence in Volunteerism will be Candace McKellar of Sherman and MaryAlice Mowry of Millinocket. The award for Outstanding Public Service will go to Julie Isbill, Rivers & Trails Project Manager at National Park Service and a former detailee at the monument. And the Conservation Colleague award will go to the Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce.

The event is being supported by an impressive group of sponsors and individuals from around Maine and the Katahdin Region. The Bangor Daily News has published promotions in its print and online publications to help drive visitation to the event, the monument, and the surrounding communities. Graphic design for the event was done by a local sponsor, Millinocket-based designlab. Natural Resources Council of Maine, integral to the effort to designate the national monument, has continued their support as a sponsor at the event. Local sponsors, including New England Outdoor Center, Katahdin Trust, and others businesses are supporting the weekend’s festivities with proceeds benefiting various programming of the friends to attract and support park visitors, improve park infrastructure, and encourage revitalization efforts of the region.

Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization made up of individuals and businesses who are committed to the mission to preserve and protect the outstanding natural beauty, ecological vitality and distinctive cultural resources of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and surrounding communities for the inspiration and enjoyment of all generations. To become a member or to learn more, go to www.friendsofkww.org.


Trip Report: Mountain Bike Loop to Big Spring Brook Hut

Two weeks ago, I brought my hard-charging, forever Mainer, now Coloradoan sister Elsa up north for a mountain bike trip through the heart of the monument. After weeks of planning and anticipation, we rented bikes in Bangor and parked at Bowlin Camps, which sits across the East Branch of the Penobscot towards the north end of the monument’s main parcel. The camps’ caretakers Terry and Dave let us park overnight for $10 and offered a last-minute acquisition of some extra bug spray they happened to buy that morning.

We had charted a two-day loop that would take us to the Big Spring Brook Hut for the night and then back round to Bowlin Camps. Readying ourselves just after lunch, we made some quick notes about our path on our map and then set out. We crossed the Bowlin Suspension Bridge and biked up a short hill (full disclosure: Elsa biked, I dismounted for the first of many hills). At the top of the hill, we took a right onto the International Appalachian Trail (IAT) and then a left soon after to get onto the K Comp Rd, continuing onto the IAT again, and then on the K Comp Rd until we hit Little Messer Pond Rd. It was muggy and buggy, but once the wind got whipping past us on our bikes we could enjoy blue skies and clear air.

The terrain unfolded before us like a study in contrasts: steeps and flats, foliage and clear skies, empty roads and thick underbrush. I hadn’t been mountain biking since I was 12, and my sister, being both my eternal elder and a mountain biker trained in the mile-high air of the Colorado Rockies, whooped me on just about any terrain we encountered.

After a scare following a false fork in the path, we stopped to establish a good system of checking in. There were two reasons to be making occasional stops: my lungs were folding inside out and trail crossings on less maintained trails can be very deceptive. This trip would not have been possible without the Map Adventures recreational map (which is available to new and renewing Friends members through the end of this year). It shows detailed mile markings and gives you a sense of what trails to take and which not to take – which, in parts of the monument where there isn’t much signage, is crucial. Roads that are defunct or not on the map may look inviting. And sometimes the roads that are in use might be grown in. Crossing the Big Spring Brook on our second day, we hit a wall of five-foot-tall saplings. Deep in the heart of the monument and in the thick of summer, you can’t always rely on following trodden paths.

Once we hit the Little Messer Pond Rd we took a left, where we found well-worn, established road. This road is used by humans and animals alike, although I’d wager you’re more likely to see a moose than a park service truck. Elsa, afraid of startling a moose or a bear and inviting their jilted ire, made sure to clear the path by yelling greetings to the creatures in the woods ahead. There was no shortage of evidence that they were near – scat of all shapes and sizes showed they were well fed and on the move.

After the ups and downs of the northward trail so, we enjoyed some long, sweeping downhills along the Little Messer Pond Rd. After crossing several brooks and streams, we came to the leftward turnoff for Big Spring Brook Hut. At the hut, we dropped our packs and settled in. We had heard the propane was out, but were delighted to find that the tanks had been switched by Mark Adams from Elliotsville Plantation, Inc. (the non-profit led by Lucas St. Clair that was a leading force in the establishment of the monument). We could bike to a sunset vista up at the nearby Lookout and know we’d be returning to some hot grub.

From the Big Spring Brook Hut path, we took a left and stayed on the Little Messer Pond Rd until we hit the Lookout Trail on our right. We threw the bikes into the lowest gear and made the slow ascent, stopping only to eat some raspberries and to consider forks in the trail. About a mile up the Lookout Trail, we took the first left. There are a few forks leading left after the first one. Ignore all but the first. Eventually, the road gets washed out and winds into the woods. When the path got thin and the trees tight, we left our bikes. There was zero worry about theft up there – we hadn’t seen another human all day.

We walked 15 minutes through the slowly darkening woods and then made the view. There’s a helmet there, perched above exposed granite. It commemorates Jerome “El Dorado” Haynes, the trail master for the Traveler Mountain Snowmobile Club who originally built the Lookout Trail. El Dorado’s helmet looks out over a stunning panorama, showcasing the peaks, streams, and valleys of the monument, Traveler Mountain, and Mt. Katahdin off to the southwest. We luxuriated for a while, eating some peak blueberries and enjoying the view until we realized the sun was setting quickly. After the long, slow ascent up to the Lookout, we were rewarded with a ripping run back downhill.

An aside here about optimal mountain bike tire size. Elsa and I rented two types of mountain bikes, which allowed for some good A/B testing. Between my front-suspension bike with regular gauge tires and Elsa’s fat tire bike without suspension, there was a clear winner. In almost every area we biked, the fat-tire bike seemed to be performing better. It was less jilted by rocks and roots and seemed steadier on uphills and downhills alike.

Back at the hut, I took a dip down in the Big Spring Brook. The water’s cold, somehow feels like snowmelt even in the middle of July – just what I was looking for. I submerged my whole body and felt the aching muscles give up their knots. Elsa prepared some delicious pesto pasta and sausage. With a raging trail hunger, we quickly dispatched a few servings each. The sun was well below the horizon, so we lit the kerosene lamp and chatted until an early bed-time.

In the morning, we woke to the pitter-patter of rain. We filled our water bottles with water from the brook, boiled then cooled overnight. The second day and second half of the trip’s loop was much more forgiving than the first. The morning starts left along the Little Messer Pond Rd uphill past the Lookout Trail until you hit a hard left down the Keyhole Road. Along the Keyhole Road, it’s almost entirely downhill. The ground was slick so we took it a bit slow but still enjoyed carving along the double track of the once-driven road. We took frequent stops to consult with the map (again there were some deceptive forks) and to enjoy signs of beaver in the many ponds and streams we traversed. There’s an especially beautiful bridge crossing Big Spring Brook – mentioned previously because of the wall of saplings on its downhill side.

At the bottom of the long downhill, we turned left onto the IAT once more and made our way up gradual uphill until we hit the turnoff to head back across the East Branch of the Penobscot. Biking towards our car at Bowlin Camps, we were welcomed back by Terry and Dave, who gave a warm welcome and a friendly “I told you so” about the bug spray they had sold us. We said our goodbyes, packed up our gear, and hit the long, dusty road. Elsa dropped me off in Patten and then stayed south to Portland.

I left the trip feeling grateful for the natural beauty of the monument, the map that allowed us to explore it safely, and the sister who pushed me to my limits biking through it. The trip was equal parts enlivening and humbling. Finding myself on the brink of losing the path, or seeing paths grown in, I was often struck by the enormity of the work ahead for the National Park Service and Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters. There are trails to be cut, signs to be posted, and important choices to be made about where those trails and signs lead (choices you can be a part of by attending NPS Monument Planning Meetings). Before then, there are guides to be written and reports to be shared. I hope this report has given you a good sense of how to navigate this trip yourself. Should you like to enjoy much of the same trip without as many orienteering challenges, you can also mountain bike from the Haskell Gate down the IAT to Little Messer Pond Rd and then back along the same path. This alternative route offers clearer roads and distinct signage.

If you have any questions about the trip Elsa and I took, or any other trips you might be considering, please feel free to reach out to info@friendsofkww.org. For those interested in staying at the Big Spring Brook Hut – which is the only hut open to overnight visitors this summer – email Susan Adams at Elliotsville Plantation, Inc.

Sam Deeran, Operations & Special Projects Coordinator

Trip Report: Paddle Down the East Branch of the Penobscot from Matagamon to Bowlin Camps

Story and photos by Andrew Bossie, Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters

My partner, Gary, and I decided to run the East Branch of the Penobscot River during the weekend of June 16th and 17th. I recently joined the Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters as its inaugural Executive Director and we planned this trip to get to know one of the three waterways that can be paddled in our new national monument and to give me some whitewater training. In a former life, Gary was an instructor for Outward Bound as well as the Boy Scouts; he’s paddled this stretch of river more times than he can count. Back in 2013, the East Branch was the first river I had ever paddled with Gary. We were both eager to return, but we knew that the quick water, rapids, and numerous waterfalls requiring portages would test our physical and mental dexterity.

We decided to stay at Bowlin Camps, an old lodge with a series of sporting cabins on the shore of the East Branch, abutting monument lands to the west and south. Dave and his wife, Terry, manage the camps and were excellent hosts during our three-night stay. For a modest fee, Dave shuttled us from the camps up to the Matagamon Dam on both Saturday and Sunday, allowing us to run the exciting part of the river both days while enjoying the creature comforts of beds, shelter from the bugs, and even some wi-fi.

We arrived at Bowlin Camps late Friday afternoon. Jeff, the camp cook, prepared us an excellent meal of salad, lasagna, garlic bread, and the best chocolate cream pie I’ve ever had. Afterward, Gary and I headed to Bowlin Pond for a refresher on some paddling techniques and to see the sun set behind the Traveler Mountains. Bowlin Camps keeps a canoe on the pond and if you ask nicely they’ll let you use it.

Early Saturday morning we loaded up the canoe, paddles, and supplies for a day on the river. Dave dropped us off on Matagamon Lake just before the Baxter Gate, allowing us more time to practice before we headed to the dam to start our river journey. The river flowage is regulated by the Matagamon Lake Owners Association and was running at about 330 CFS (cubic feet per second) – a little low, but passable. We pushed off from below the dam on a cloudless, 78-degree day.

As we paddled under the route 159 bridge we saw several anglers wading in the water looking to hook trout and a couple of folks camped out on the shore of Matagamon Wilderness Camps. After the first mile or so of the river, we didn’t see another soul for the rest of our trip (both Saturday and Sunday). But we didn’t have to look far for signs of life; we spotted river otters, bald eagles, beavers, and even a moose along the way.  Of course, the blackflies, mosquitos, and moose flies also made unwelcome appearances, but they were mostly deterred by a stiff breeze both days.

After passing through The Oxbow, where author Henry David Thoreau and his Wabanaki guide, Joe Polis, once camped for a night in 1857, we approached Stair Falls, the first major set of rapids we would run. Some choose to portage this series of ledges, but we were up for the ride. We scouted both the upper and lower falls. The more serious lower falls are a series of ledges that can make for some bumps in low water, but we managed to successfully run them without taking much water or getting hung up. Most run this rapid river-center to just right of river-center. It’s definitely an exhilarating experience.

After passing by the Haskell Hut on river right (which you can ski to and spend a night at during the winter) and passing through Haskell Deadwater, we came to the first of four mandatory portages, Haskell Rock Pitch. After a snack, schlepping our gear, and some scouting, we were ready to run two more rapids just below the falls, Mikelic I and Mikelic II. Our planned route was to zigzag the first set of rapids, moving from river-right to river-left, and back to river-right again to avoid a number of boulders and pillows – so much for best-laid plans! As we turned the boat to river-left I felt a big bump and then the next thing I knew we were both in the river and our canoe was floating upside down at our side. Luckily, the same previously unseen rock that resulted in us dumping the boat was also providing us with a safe-harbor eddy. We managed to pull our boat up on some rocks, bailed out as much water as we could, and finished running the rapids. Aside from a couple scrapes and sunken pairs of sunglasses, we were fine. In talking with some of the locals later, we heard stories of just how serious these rapids and other spots on the river can be – those less prepared or knowledgeable haven’t fared as well.

After our swim, we made our way to Pond Pitch and a short while later the Grand Pitch. Both of these falls are mandatory portages. You can portage on either side of the river at both falls, river-right is on monument lands while river-left is privately owned. There is some quick water before and after both portages, but not rapids like the ones right after Haskell, making for a welcomed easier ride. It should be noted that both portages have some really nice campsites; there’s even a lean-to managed by the National Park Service on river-right. All of these sites, along with the falls, portages, and other helpful information, are detailed in the Map Adventures Katahdin Woods and Waters recreation map. I’d highly recommend having it before setting off on a journey in the monument. Folks that sign up to be members or renew their membership in 2018 get one of these maps as part of their membership.

Not far after Grand Pitch is The Hulling Machine, the fourth and final portage if you are pulling out at Bowlin Camps. The name comes from the time of the log drivers. Rumor has it that this waterfall is so powerful that the trunks of century-old white pines would exit the falls with their bark stripped. You can only portage this fall on river-right and, boy, is it a difficult one. The nearly half-mile portage goes uphill for a good clip and I have never seen so many mosquitos congregating in the hollow of my boat as I have on this carry. Gary and I probably switched off the canoe half a dozen times before getting back to the water. Gary told me that this portage used to make the Outward Bound students he guided cry. I can see why.

Our last leg of our river journey was down river to Bowlin Falls. You can portage this set of falls, too, but it’s much more fun to run them. We took our boat out shortly after the falls at Bowlin Camps. We prepared a campfire (Dave actually prepped the fire for us, we just had to light a match) and cooked some steaks while we enjoyed frosty cold beers.

The next morning we headed out a little later, choosing to put in just below the dam and forgo paddling on the lake. We ran the river, spending extra time scouting Mikelic I, where we bumped along and at one point got hung up on a rock, but managed to make it through with only a little water in the boat and our pride intact.

We ran the river much more quickly on Sunday. In fact, we managed to be eating dinner in our 1895 cabin (named for the year it was built) shortly after 5 pm. As we wondered what to do with ourselves that evening, Dave and Terry invited us to head out for a drive on the dirt roads of the monument just to the south of the property to scout moose and other wildlife. We managed to see five moose during our drive on roads that had us grateful for four-wheel drive and high clearance. As we drove around, I made a mental note to come back next time with mountain bikes – the dirt roads are begging to be explored by cyclists.

We slept well Sunday night after two days of paddling and portaging. We awoke on Monday to the sound of rain hitting our cabin roof and high-fived each other for having gotten the good weather during our paddle days. All told, it was a great weekend in some of the most remote and interesting waters in the state. I wouldn’t want to paddle the river with much less water, so I’d encourage folks to check the Matagamon Dam outputs prior to setting out. I’d highly recommend staying at Bowlin Camps. I left with a profound sense of gratitude and respect for the wild and beautiful public that is the East Branch, knowing that I’ll surely be back to share this treasure with others.

Andy Bossie, Executive Director

Preparations Underway for 2nd Anniversary Celebration of Maine’s National Monument 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Andrew Bossie
Executive Director
Office: (207) 808 – 0020

Preparations Underway for 2nd Anniversary Celebration of Maine’s National Monument
This year’s festivities include new and returning sponsors as well as activities in Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and the surrounding communities. 

Patten, ME — Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters released details of the 2ndAnniversary Celebration of the establishment of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument today. The celebration, presented by Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters and Maine Beer Company, will be held on August 25that Shin Pond Village in Mt. Chase, Maine.

The evening will include beer from Maine Beer Company, dinner from Patten-based Casual Elegance Caterers, and a silent auction of outdoor gear, experiences, and memorabilia. The special evening will feature a performance from the Magic Eight Ball Quartet, sponsored by The Wilderness Society. Weather permitting, guests will get the chance to experience the exceptional night skies of the area by walking a short distance from the event to telescopes and an interpretive presentation.  Tickets for the Saturday night celebration are available for $25 at www.friendsofkww.org/anniversary.

“Interest in our national monument continues to grow and we’re eager to share the unique natural, recreational, and cultural aspects of our new public lands with more people,” said Andrew Bossie, Executive Director of Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters. “As we celebrate two years since the designation of the monument, we’re growing the number of partnerships and offering more activities that lift up the monument and the communities of the Katahdin Region.”

Maine-based outdoor retailer, L.L. Bean, is sponsoring activities that encourage attendees to “Be an Outsider” and explore Maine and the nation’s newest public lands before and after the event. Organizers have posted suggested trips including hikes, paddles, bike rides, and drives throughout the monument. Visitors are also urged to support the surrounding communities by booking local accommodations and shopping at area businesses. During the weekend, attendees of the anniversary can visit the Patten Lumberman’s museum to learn about the rich logging history of the region. Attendees can also visit North Light Gallery in Millinocket to meet local painters who will be displaying recently produced Plein Air works showcasing the natural beauty of Katahdin Woods and Waters.

Host and sponsorship benefits are available to interested individuals and businesses. Patagonia is hosting a private reception for hosts and sponsors Friday evening at Mt Chase Lodge. Proceeds from the anniversary celebration will benefit the Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters in their efforts to protect, preserve, and promote the monument and the communities of the Katahdin Region.

The Bangor Daily News has agreed to sponsor the event through promotions in its print and online publications to help drive visitation to the event, the monument, and the surrounding communities.

Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization made up of individuals and businesses who are committed to the mission to preserve and protect the outstanding natural beauty, ecological vitality and distinctive cultural resources of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and surrounding communities for the inspiration and enjoyment of all generations. To become a member or to learn more, go to www.friendsofkww.org.


Putting the Nation’s Newest Monument on the Map

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Andrew Bossie
Executive Director
Office: (207) 808-0020

Putting the Nation’s Newest Monument on the Map
Map Adventures partners with Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters to release new recreation map

Patten, ME — Map Adventures LLC, publisher of the popular Katahdin Baxter Map, Acadia National Park, and other hiking and biking maps, recently partnered with Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters to release a new map of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument (KWWNM). This is the first recreational map of the monument available for purchase, although anyone who joins Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters before June 30th will receive the map as part of their membership.

The new map represents trails and activities for outdoor enthusiasts, including hikers, mountain bikers, fishermen, canoeists, kayakers, and fans of winter recreation. The two major wild rivers that run through the monument, the Seboeis River and the East Branch of the Penobscot River, offer stellar whitewater and flatwater river experiences for paddlers. Families can get a lot out of the monument too, however, they should know that limited services and signage make visiting an adventure.

“Other parks that we’ve mapped have a longer history of recreational use, an infrastructure of trails, and visitor centers,” said Steve Bushey, cartographer and co-owner of Map Adventures. “The exciting challenge was to create a map to help visitors safely navigate a national treasure that’s still in its infancy.”

Another unique feature of the KWWNM map is the inclusion of communities, towns, and trail systems leading to the park. It’s one of the reasons that Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters wanted to partner with Map Adventures on the project.

“Both of our organizations believe in the power of community,” said Andrew Bossie, executive director of Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters. “We encourage people to try the outdoor and wilderness activities offered by nearby businesses – it will only add to their understanding and experience of the monument.”

Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is also offering a guide of the scenic Loop Road for those visitors who might prefer a leisurely drive to watch for wildlife, or to learn some area history. The Loop Road Interpretive Map is available at the KWWNM’s visitor contact stations in Millinocket and Patten, at the Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce, and along the Loop Road, which is expected to open to visitors before the end of the May.

Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is a non-profit 501c3 membership organization made up of individuals and businesses who are committed to working to help protect, preserve, and promote all that is special about Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. To become a member, or to learn more, go to www.friendsofkww.org.

Based in Peaks Island, Maine, Map Adventures LLC was founded in 1994 by husband-and-wife team Steve Bushey (head cartographer and strategist) and Angela Faeth (designer and project manager). The company has published more than 100 detailed, high-quality maps, including hiking maps and guides for Northern New England, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, visit www.mapadventures.com.

The Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument map is available from retail outlets in the Katahdin region and throughout New England, and online at www.mapadventures.com. A companion digital version of the map is downloadable through the Avenza PDF Map Store, using the PDF Maps mobile app.

** Digital images and hard copies of the map are available upon request.**

Media Contacts:
Andrew Bossie – andrew@friendsofkww.org / (207) 808 – 0020
Jennifer Boggs – jen@toderico.com / (917) 520 – 1123
Angela Faeth – angela@mapdventures.com / (207) 879 – 4777

National Parks Conservation Association Meet & Greet: May 24th

You’re invited to a 21+ Oxbow Brewery meet and greet hosted by the National Parks Conversation Association (NPCA) featuring Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters!

Come learn about the vital work of NPCA, an organization which has advocated for national parks since 1919, and how you can be involved in shaping the future of these special places, including Katahdin Woods and Waters. We hope you’ll join us! Your first beer (Maine Beer Company’s Woods & Waters IPA – fitting, right?) is free. To RSVP, register for the event here.


Event Details

Thursday, May 24th
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Oxbow Blending and Bottling
49 Washington Ave, Portland, ME 04101

Save the Date: August 25th

Join us for the Second Anniversary Celebration of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument presented by Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters and Maine Beer Company.

Plan on joining us Saturday, August 25th to explore the monument and enjoy and an evening celebration at Shin Pond Village in Mt. Chase, Maine.

More details forthcoming, but this is something you don’t want to miss.

Fiddlers and Fiddleheads Fest: May 19th

Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters is excited to be one of the sponsors for the fifth annual Fiddlers & Fiddleheads Fest, taking place Saturday, May 19th at the Lumbermen’s Museum in Patten. You’re invited to join this celebration of spring in the north woods. Musicians from near and far will be playing throughout the day alongside local artisans, craftsmen, and food vendors.

Thanks to the generosity of Emera and Case Professional Services, this year’s festival will be headlined by the Muddy Marsh Ramblers. The festival lineup will play on two stages: the Maine Stage and the Log Jam Stage, with performances from Gus Lacasse, Belfast Bay Fiddlers, John Birmingham RFD Band, Donna Chase, and Hannah Boone. If you play an instrument or sing yourself, then come prepared to share a tune at the afternoon jam session scheduled from 4 – 5 PM at the Log Jam stage.

Food will be served throughout the day, with all the proceeds from the festival vendors benefiting local non-profits. If you’ve got a great dish involving fiddleheads, send your best fern-friendly recipe to the curator at the Lumbermen’s Museum and you may be entered into a cook-off to crown 2018’s “Cast Iron Chef”.

The festival will also include a childrens’ area featuring throwback games from the 20th century. The event promises to be fun for the whole family and we hope you’ll join us. For those of you willing to lend a helping hand to the event set-up and take-down, please email us at info@friendsofkww.org.

Festival Details:

Saturday, May 19th, 2018
10 AM to 5 PM
Lumbermen’s Museum
61 Shin Pond Rd, Patten, ME 04765

The Fiddlers and Fiddleheads Festival is made possible thanks to the Lumbermen’s Museum, Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters, and our fellow sponsors at Elliotsville Plantation Inc., Emera, Katahdin Valley Health Center, Yankee Grocers, Jerry’s  Thriftway, Case Professional, and Katahdin Trust.