Teacher Camp 2024

 Registration is closed for this event

Teacher Camp, an annual professional development opportunity through Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters, invites educators of all types to join us for a day of learning and connecting. The focus on Teacher Camp 2024 is community science.

Two topics will be presented throughout the day: phenology and water quality. Hands-on learning will be a part of each session and will be connected closely to Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and the surrounding community. Each session will incorporate an existing community science platform so teachers can return their knowledge and experience to the classroom and outdoor spaces. 

A light breakfast with coffee, tea, snacks, and lunch will be served.




June 25th, 2024 from  8:30 AM to  4:30 PM
61 Shin Pond Rd
Patten ME 04765
Phone: (207) 808-0020
Event Fee(s)
Full cost $50.00
Reduced cost $20.00
No cost $0.00